Think and Grow Rich


Napoleon Hill, author of the classic Think and Grow Rich has been a major and continuing influence on those seeking the best that life can offer.

 I have listened to many hours of audiotapes and Hill is easily one of the best lecturers I have encountered. His works are still right on target. The title of Hill’s book is somewhat misleading — it is about far more than earning a lot of money.

In 1908, Andrew Carnegie, the richest man in the world at that time,
conducted an extensive search for someone to catalog the success
philosophy of Carnegie & his peers, to pass this knowledge to future generations.

Out of 250 applicants, Carnegie chose Hill, who would work for “free” for
twenty years to establish the science of success by interviewing 500 of the
most successful people in the world.

Among many others, Hill’s subjects included Thomas Edison, Henry Ford,
Alexander Graham Bell, Wilbur Wright and many early 20th century
presidents, including FDR.

Growing “RICH” therefore, extends much further than just financial reward;
in fact, money is the last of the 14 riches Hill discusses in the book.

These riches include:

• Positive mental attitude
• Excellent physical health
• Harmony in human relations
• Freedom from fear
• Hope of future achievement
• Capacity for applied faith
• Willingness to share one’s blessings with others
• To be engaged in a labor of love
• An open mind on all subjects towards all people
• Complete self discipline
• Wisdom to understand people
• And then, last but not least
• Financial security

Financial security being last on the list is not mere chance: when all the
factors above it are in place, financial security tends to just come — and
remain — naturally. Napoleon Hill’s Book/Lecture is a must have!